Opening a credit card while you are still in college is a great way to build up your credit score, which will then help make major life decisions after graduation. A good credit score can affect lots of things, including renting your own apartment or applying for a car loan.
There are a lot of credit cards available for college students, and it can be overwhelming to know which one to get. So to help you find the right one, here are three of the best credit cards for you.
If you often buy on, use your PayPal account, or spend on groceries, restaurants, gas stations among others, this credit card is for you. It offers the best cash back program on the market: you can earn 5% cash back for your everyday purchases.
It does not have an annual fee and has a generous welcome bonus. Moreover, it also offers an annual $20 Good Grades Reward if you maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA each school year.
If you are a college student planning to study abroad, this is the perfect credit card for you. This credit card is geared toward travel and has 1.5X points per dollar spent on purchases. You may also redeem rewards to cover the cost of your travel purchases. Another good thing about this credit card is there are no foreign transaction fees.
With this credit card, you can get all the perks of a Discover card without activating bonus rewards categories each quarter. It is geared towards college students as it offers a strong rewards program when it comes to dining out or filling up a gas tank. It also offers a $20 statement credit for students who are able to maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA.
There are still a lot of credit card options for college student out there. If you want to know more about credit cards, make sure to check out our website for comprehensive guides on everything you need to know about it.