It's hard to live with credit card debt. The high-interest rates and exponential growth of an account balance quickly cause purchases we thought would be easy enough to pay off over a few months, but instead grow into something that seems like it will take years just for the smallest sum on our accounts.
If you're looking to save a little money, there is an easy way. All it takes is calling your credit card company and negotiating with them! It's not always enough just knowing what rates are out there - but if we can get inside of their heads for 15-20 minutes then the chances increase by 50%.
Sometimes, a good scrubbing is all it takes to make you look and feel like the credit-worthy person that banks want in their database.
Maintaining high utilization rates won't help your score much though- keep an eye on those balances.
If you're looking to save a little money, there is an easy way. All it takes is calling your credit card company and negotiating with them! It's not always enough just knowing what rates are out there - but if we can get inside of their heads for 15-20 minutes then the chances increase by 50%.
One way to pay less in interest for a limited time is by applying for an introductory rate card, one of which lets you secure 0% intro APR on transferred balances. Just keep in mind that these offers usually come with balance transfer fees and not all cards offer this lower option than typical rates.
Don't let your credit card interest rates dictate the future of all that you are working for. Lowering them may not be an option, but by paying off faster and sooner, you can slash any extra expense from making payments as well which is going straight toward principals!
A dollar saved today could save $1 tomorrow; it's worth considering before spending on anything else like groceries or gas when there are other bills due first.
The high-interest rates and exponential growth of an account balance quickly cause purchases we thought would be easy enough to pay off over a few months but instead grow into something that seems like it will take years just for the smallest sum still on our accounts. So look after your debts and manage them simply.